يا ايها النّاس ، قولو قولكم ، فإنّما تشقيق الكلام من الشّيطان
“O people! Say what you have to say! Because speaking excessively is from Shaytan.” [1]
This is quite straightforward to understand. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam is advising a person to be precise and succinct in what he says. By speaking continuously, a person is at risk of being manipulated by Shaytan. The more a person speaks, the bigger the risk is of him making mistakes in his speech. This is due to the whisperings of Shaytan who would encourage the person to continue speaking. Consequently, the person will begin to talk about useless matters and futile things. It is for this reason a poet once said, “If speaking is silver than remaining silent is gold.” It is for this reason Shigni ibn Maati’ al-Asbahi rahimahullah said, “Whoever’s speech increased, his mistakes (also) increased.” A person should be precise in what he wants to say and should not ‘beat around the bush’. Of course, sometimes a person is required to be softer in his words and lengthen them so that he does not cause offence or hurt. It would be totally incorrect for a person to merely tell another, “Your father has died.” And then leave him in this state. Rather, he should explain to him in a sympathetic and caring manner give him a lengthy yet precise account of the matter at hand.
[1] Adabul Mufrad: Hadith #875
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