Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Poetry: For Gaza

Is it justice when a child cries over the corpse of his mother?
And is forced to see the flesh stricken body of his brother?

So what crime is it then if he walks out with pebbles in his pocket?
Ready to relieve a heart of sorrow but only to be fired at by a rocket.

Where is the justice in having to be put to sleep by the silence of fear?
Knowing full well that any second a bomb may be thrown like a spear.

How can it be that death has replaced life as a source of rest?
As roads have been painted in red while the world continues to jest.

A stone contests a bullet, a boulder contests an airstrike,
What match is there between an armed tank and a bike?

So how can the sky be seen when it is garmented in smoke?
And the leaders of the Arab world take it all to be a joke.

Kings who have exchanged their brothers for wealth,
They sit lavishly on thrones and bargain their brothers health.

What then can be said about those who were thought to be of kin?
When it is they who remain passive and become the enemy from within?

We remember you and pray for you O bearers of sorrow,
We beseech Allah that He eases your tomorrow.

Your blood, honour, dignity and valour will never be forgotten,
We hope that you now have found peace in your garments of cotton.

Long live the people of Gaza, you are indeed the heroes of this nation,
We cannot take what you have taken, but we look at you with admiration.

May Allah Ta'ala grant Jannah to the people of Gaza. Ameen.


Anonymous said...

wow...thats quite moving...seriously its quite touching

Anonymous said...

Subhanallah... clearly alot of thought emotion and hard work was undergone 2 produce such a master piece! compliments to the poet!!!

Palestine is where there is soo much islamic histroy it may take a historian 2no dt!!! BUT Palestine is the reciver of soo much bloodshed it dnt only tk a muslim 2notice dt!!!

Anonymous said...

Truly Emotional. This Poetry Has Painted A Picture... Truly Emotional. This Poetry Has Painted A Picture In The Mind Of The Reader Of What The Truth Is. Words Do Not Exist To Describe The Pain. We Have With Ourselves Today A Gift Brought To Us From Allah By His Beloved. We Possess A Strength That Is The Most Powerful Force. That Strength Is Nothing More Than Our Hands And That Gift Is Nothing More But The Gift Of Dua. The Reason For Our Downfall Was and Is When We Made Sections and Categories In Our Deen. We Have Made Our Deen A Joke And That Is The Reason For All The Pain Worldwide. All We Need Today Is To Be United Under One Flag, One Identity Because We Are One Nation Who Worship The One True God. Only Once We Are United, When We Raise Our Hands And Ask Our Rabb To, Will We Be Given Our Honour, Respect and Glory Back That Once Existed. May Allah Unite Us And Forgive Us And Grant Us Istiqamah. Ameen.

Zeeshan Hussain. Manchester