Friday, 12 June 2009

Crossword 2: Islam

Crossword 2: Islam

Assalamu Alaykum,
I have made a crossword for you to do in your free time! Here is the second of our puzzle games. It is very easy and you can also benefit by learning new things perhaps. Answers are at the bottom, no peeping!

Note: Do not use a marker on your computer screen!!

1.Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam was hurt with stones here
3.If there was a prophet after me, it would be...
5.Birth place of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
7.every soul will taste...
12.He was second to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam in thaur
13.The most beloved person to be is (from women)
14.He was married to Fatima radiallahu anha

2.The only religion which is acceptable in the eyes of Allah is
3.This is a mountain that loves the Muslims and the Muslims love it
4.The resting place of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
6.The first battle the Muslims participated in
8.I testify there is no god but...
9.He is the sword of Allah...
10.Now, lets all go and read the
11. He married the daughters of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam


Anonymous said...

It seems prayer has won the league.

Anonymous said...

"Haram love and Glimpe of Uni Life draw second with 5 votes, with Character catching up slowly behind it with four votes. Who will be the final winner? Will prayer still won, or will Backbiting with 0 votes make a breakthrough?" Keep tuned to find out who will take the cup!

Anonymous said...

plz spaek about haraam love. it reelli needs to be adressd evn for a few secndz

Anonymous said...

puzal is back :-)