Thursday, 25 September 2008

Ammama (The Turban) Sunnah Series – Part 2

In today’s modern society, we see many people adorn themselves with different types of headgear. But should a Muslim really be wearing a New Era cap? In Part 1 we stated that a person can attain salvation for merely resembling the Messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wa salam. Now let us discuss in a little more detail the various virtues of wearing a turban.

The Ammama

It is mentioned in Fathul Baari, ‘"Tie the turban. It will increase you in forbearance." Similarly, Hazrat Shaykh Rahimahullah has mentioned in his commentary to Shama-il Tirmidhi (Khasaail e Nabawi) that the tying of the turban is ‘Sunnat-e-Mustamirrah’ progressive practice of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam.

The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salaam and his turban:

Huraith radiallahu anhu reports that Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam addressed the people while wearing a black turban. (Muslim)

Hazrat Jaabir radiallahu anhu reports that on the occasion of ‘The Conquest of Makkah’, Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam entered Makkah Mukarramah while wearing a black turban. (Muslim)

Ibn Abbas radiallahu anhu reports that during the illness just prior to his passing away, Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam addressed the Sahabah radhiallahu anhum while wearing a black turban. (Muslim)

The Sahaba and the turban:

Imam Nafi’ rahimahullah says: "I saw Ibn Umar radiallahu anhu wearing a turban the tail of which hung between the shoulders."(Ibid)

Sulaiman radiallahu anhu says: "I saw those Sahabah who were from the Muhajireen e Awaleen (those who were among the first to migrate to Madinah) wearing turbans of cotton material." (Musanaf Ibn Abi Shaibah)

Abu Darda radiallahu anhu had a black turban on. (Ibid)

Ibn Zubair radiallahu anhu was seen wearing a turban both ends of which hung at the front. (Ibid)

Hazrat Shaykh rahimahullah writes; "No mention can be found among the reliable traditions concerning the length of the turban of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam" (Khasaail e Nabawi)

The Colours:

Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam had a white, black, and red Ammama. (Shamaail)

White turban- Ibn Umar radiallahu anhu narrates Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam tied a white turban for Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Awf radiallahu anhu. (Mustadrak al-Haakim)

Black turban- Red turban-Anas ibn Maalik radiallahu anhu narrates seeing Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam making Wudhu whilst wearing a Turban that had red colour on it. (Sunan Abi Dawud)

In other narrations with regards to the Sahabah radiallahu anhum, the colours yellow, green and brown have also been mentioned. However, white is the most virtuous as this was the colour the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam liked most.

It is also reported from Sa'eed Ibn Jubair radiallahu anhu that when Jibraeel alayhis salaam came down to punish Fir’aun, he had on a black turban. (Musanaf Ibn Abi Shaibah)

The virtues:

Nabi salallahu alayhi wa salam is reported to have said: "Hold on to the turban as it is a sign of the angels. Also let the loose end hang from the back." (Baihaqi)

"Adopt the turban as it will increase your patience." (Mustadrak of Hakim)

"Some of Allah Ta’âla’s angels stand at the door of the Masjid and seek repentance on behalf of those wearing white turbans." (Al Maqaasidul Hasanah)

"Allah Ta’âla causes His mercy to descend on the people wearing turbans on the day of Jummah and his Angels make du’â for such people." (Dailami)

The Turban In Your Prayer:

The Jumu'ah performed while wearing a turban is 70 times superior to a Jumu'ah without a turban. (Dailami)

Two units of prayer performed while wearing the turban are superior to seventy units performed without a turban. (narrated by Jabir radiallahu anhu)

Hazrat Shaykh Rashid Ahmed Gangohi rahimahullah has written ; "To make Imaamat (lead the congregation) without a turban is completely permissible without any degree of reprehensibility. However, there is no denying of the fact that with a turban, the reward is increased." (Fatawa Rashidiyya)

NOTE: A topi must be worn under the Amamma, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam has said,

“The difference between us and the Mushrikeen (Polytheists) is that we wear a topee under our turban while the Mushrikeen do not do likewise."


Anonymous said...


Once after the Dhikr Majlis which took place after the Asr Salaat, at the Riyadul Uloom, Shaykh sat and imparted some advice. Amongst the advices there was one particular point which was aimed at the students, but nevertheless useful for anyone:

“…You should make a habit of wearing an Amaamah (an Islamic turban, which has one or two long tails that drop upon the nape, between the shoulders) because it is a notable sunnah of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wassallam. I have read somewhere that a person who wears the turban, will be granted the quality of forbearance; and after all, wearing the turban increases the beauty in men”.

keep the posts up mashaAllah.


Anonymous said...

Jazakallah bro... beautiful post as always by the will of Allah ... keep them coming bro

your brother from another mother

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

mashallah, which college project was this?