Saturday, 27 June 2009
Quotes #1
I have compiled some quotes of the akaabireen. So many pearls have been passed down from them and so I have put a selection of some of my favourites. Inshallah more will come in future. The source of these quotes are from the following books: Futuhushaam, Ta'teerul Anfaas min Hadeethil Ikhlaas, Diwaan, Ahsan al Qasas, Chosen Souls, and Scattered Pearls.
Hazrat Abu Ubaydah radiallahu ta’ala anhu moments before his death: "Let me give you some advice, which will cause you to be on the path of goodness always. Establish prayer, fast [in] the month of Ramadan, give charity, perform the Hajj and Umrah, remain united and support one another. Be sincere to your commanders and do not conceal anything from them. Don't let the world destroy you for, even if man were to live a thousand years, he would still end up with this state that you see me in. Peace be upon you and the mercy of God."
Hazrat Muadh ibn Jabal radiallahu anhu moments after his (Hazrat Abu Ubaydah's radiallahu anhu) death: "O people, you are stricken by the death of a man. By God, I don't know whether I have seen a man who had a more righteous heart, who was further from all evil and who was more sincere to people than he. Ask God to shower His mercy on him and God will be merciful to you."
Hazrat Khalid bin Walid radiallahu anhu when he would call out the enemy: “O Enemies of Allah! By Allah, I have come with a group of people who love death the way you love life.”
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud radiallahu anhu: “O people! Be the springs of knowledge and the lamps of guidance! Stick to your homes and be like a light in the night, revivers of hearts, wearing worn-out clothes, you will then be known by the people of the heavens and be hidden among the people of the earth.”
Hazrat Abu Muhammad Ja’far Saadiq Rahmatullah alayh: Beware of the company of five persons: A liar for you will always be misled by him. A stupid person for even if he intends to benefit you, he will harm you. A miser for he will destroy your valuable time. A coward for he will leave you in the lurch at the time of need. A faasiq (open sinner) for on account of greed, he will betray you for a morsel of food.
He would also say: “Whoever struggles against his evil desires (nafs e ammaarah) for the sake of Allah, finds Allah.”
Hazrat Malik ibn Dinaar rahmatullahi alayh asked, “In what lies the corruption of the people?” Hazrat Hasan Basri rahmatullahi alayh replied, “In the death of the heart.” Hazrat Malik then asked, “What is the death of the heart?” Upon which Hazrat Hasan replied, “The love of the world.”
Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Rashid Gangohi rahmatullahi alayh would say, “Those who wipe the Dunya away from their lives find that the Dunya falls at their feet. And those who go after the Dunya find that they fall at its feet and are then wiped away by the Dunya.”
Hazrat Malik ibn Dinaar rahmatullahi alayh would say: “A man who indulges in idle conversation and remembers Allah little lacks knowledge. His heart is blind and his life is ruined.”
Hazrat Muhammad Waasi’ ramtullahi alayh would say: “It is more difficult guarding the tongue than guarding gold and silver.”
Hazrat Bishr Haafi rahmatullahi alayh would say: “If you are unable to engage in Allah’s worship, at least refrain from disobeying Him.”
A man said to Bishr: “Advise me!” So he said, “Let your mention be unknown…” And Hushib would be found crying saying, “My name has reached the Masjid!”
Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Adham rahmatullahi alayh: “A slave who loves fame has not been truthful to Allah.”
Hazrat Fuzail ibn Iyyaz rahmatullahi alayh: “If you can get by without being known, then do so. What does it bother you that people will not praise you, and what does it bother you that you may be blameworthy in the sight of people if in the Sight of Allah you are praiseworthy?”
Hazrat Imam Shaafi rahmatullahi alayh: “If one of you were to strive with utmost striving to make all the people pleased with him then there is no way for him (i.e. he’ll never be able to do that). So let the servant purify his actions which are between him and Allah Ta’ala.”
He also said: "If a man spreads his secret with his own tongue and blames another... then he is a fool. If his own breast is too narrow to conceal his own secret, then the breast of the one in whom he places it is even narrower."
Qadhi Sanaullah Panipati rahmatullahi alayh: “I do not fear Shaytaan as much as I fear women.”
Hazrat Zunoon Misri rahmatullahi alayh: “He who fears Allah, turns to Allah.”
He would also say: “The sign of sincerity is that you do not become pleased when praised nor are you grieved when criticised.”
Hazrat Bayaazid Bustaami rahmatullahi alayh: “When a man becomes aware of his fault, he attains excellence. I asked Allah for the way to enter into His path. He said, “Abandon your ego and you can enter.””
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak rahmatullahi alayh: “Behave humbly with those who occupy a lower level than you here on the earth.”
Hazrat Sufyaan Thauri rahmatullahi alayh: “A good act extinguishes the Anger of Allah.”
Hazrat Imam Shaafi rahmatullahi alayh: “Whoever taught you even a little respect, consider him to be your Ustaadh (teacher).”
Hazrat Abu Sulaiman Daaraaee rahmatullahi alayh: “One who speaks without thinking always regrets.”
“Silence is the beautification of the Ulama.”
Hazrat Yazid ibn Abi Habib rahmatullahi alayh: “Indeed from the fitnah of a scholar is that speech should become more pleasing to him than silence and listening.”
A poet says: “Love refuses to hide, although I have tried to conceal it at countless times. It just returns and settles itself in my courtyard. When my yearning intensifies, my heart revolves around his remembrance. Then when I want to get closer to my beloved, he himself draws closer to me.”
Hazrat Abu Ubaydah radiallahu ta’ala anhu moments before his death: "Let me give you some advice, which will cause you to be on the path of goodness always. Establish prayer, fast [in] the month of Ramadan, give charity, perform the Hajj and Umrah, remain united and support one another. Be sincere to your commanders and do not conceal anything from them. Don't let the world destroy you for, even if man were to live a thousand years, he would still end up with this state that you see me in. Peace be upon you and the mercy of God."
Hazrat Muadh ibn Jabal radiallahu anhu moments after his (Hazrat Abu Ubaydah's radiallahu anhu) death: "O people, you are stricken by the death of a man. By God, I don't know whether I have seen a man who had a more righteous heart, who was further from all evil and who was more sincere to people than he. Ask God to shower His mercy on him and God will be merciful to you."
Hazrat Khalid bin Walid radiallahu anhu when he would call out the enemy: “O Enemies of Allah! By Allah, I have come with a group of people who love death the way you love life.”
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud radiallahu anhu: “O people! Be the springs of knowledge and the lamps of guidance! Stick to your homes and be like a light in the night, revivers of hearts, wearing worn-out clothes, you will then be known by the people of the heavens and be hidden among the people of the earth.”
Hazrat Abu Muhammad Ja’far Saadiq Rahmatullah alayh: Beware of the company of five persons: A liar for you will always be misled by him. A stupid person for even if he intends to benefit you, he will harm you. A miser for he will destroy your valuable time. A coward for he will leave you in the lurch at the time of need. A faasiq (open sinner) for on account of greed, he will betray you for a morsel of food.
He would also say: “Whoever struggles against his evil desires (nafs e ammaarah) for the sake of Allah, finds Allah.”
Hazrat Malik ibn Dinaar rahmatullahi alayh asked, “In what lies the corruption of the people?” Hazrat Hasan Basri rahmatullahi alayh replied, “In the death of the heart.” Hazrat Malik then asked, “What is the death of the heart?” Upon which Hazrat Hasan replied, “The love of the world.”
Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Rashid Gangohi rahmatullahi alayh would say, “Those who wipe the Dunya away from their lives find that the Dunya falls at their feet. And those who go after the Dunya find that they fall at its feet and are then wiped away by the Dunya.”
Hazrat Malik ibn Dinaar rahmatullahi alayh would say: “A man who indulges in idle conversation and remembers Allah little lacks knowledge. His heart is blind and his life is ruined.”
Hazrat Muhammad Waasi’ ramtullahi alayh would say: “It is more difficult guarding the tongue than guarding gold and silver.”
Hazrat Bishr Haafi rahmatullahi alayh would say: “If you are unable to engage in Allah’s worship, at least refrain from disobeying Him.”
A man said to Bishr: “Advise me!” So he said, “Let your mention be unknown…” And Hushib would be found crying saying, “My name has reached the Masjid!”
Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Adham rahmatullahi alayh: “A slave who loves fame has not been truthful to Allah.”
Hazrat Fuzail ibn Iyyaz rahmatullahi alayh: “If you can get by without being known, then do so. What does it bother you that people will not praise you, and what does it bother you that you may be blameworthy in the sight of people if in the Sight of Allah you are praiseworthy?”
Hazrat Imam Shaafi rahmatullahi alayh: “If one of you were to strive with utmost striving to make all the people pleased with him then there is no way for him (i.e. he’ll never be able to do that). So let the servant purify his actions which are between him and Allah Ta’ala.”
He also said: "If a man spreads his secret with his own tongue and blames another... then he is a fool. If his own breast is too narrow to conceal his own secret, then the breast of the one in whom he places it is even narrower."
Qadhi Sanaullah Panipati rahmatullahi alayh: “I do not fear Shaytaan as much as I fear women.”
Hazrat Zunoon Misri rahmatullahi alayh: “He who fears Allah, turns to Allah.”
He would also say: “The sign of sincerity is that you do not become pleased when praised nor are you grieved when criticised.”
Hazrat Bayaazid Bustaami rahmatullahi alayh: “When a man becomes aware of his fault, he attains excellence. I asked Allah for the way to enter into His path. He said, “Abandon your ego and you can enter.””
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak rahmatullahi alayh: “Behave humbly with those who occupy a lower level than you here on the earth.”
Hazrat Sufyaan Thauri rahmatullahi alayh: “A good act extinguishes the Anger of Allah.”
Hazrat Imam Shaafi rahmatullahi alayh: “Whoever taught you even a little respect, consider him to be your Ustaadh (teacher).”
Hazrat Abu Sulaiman Daaraaee rahmatullahi alayh: “One who speaks without thinking always regrets.”
“Silence is the beautification of the Ulama.”
Hazrat Yazid ibn Abi Habib rahmatullahi alayh: “Indeed from the fitnah of a scholar is that speech should become more pleasing to him than silence and listening.”
A poet says: “Love refuses to hide, although I have tried to conceal it at countless times. It just returns and settles itself in my courtyard. When my yearning intensifies, my heart revolves around his remembrance. Then when I want to get closer to my beloved, he himself draws closer to me.”
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
A Conversation With Shaytan
As told to the Prophet(Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam)
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds; and blessing and peace be upon our master Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), the righteous Prophet, upon his family, the pure ones, and upon his companions.
As reported by Mu'adh ibn Jabal (r.a.). Abd-Allah the son of `Abbas (r.a.) said: "We were sitting together in a group with the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) in the house of one of the Ansar, when someone called out 'O people of the house! Will you permit me to enter? I have a task to fulfill for you'. "
"Do you know who the caller is?" asked the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam)."Allah and His Apostle knows best." They said. So the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) told them: "This is Satan, the Cursed One whom Allah has dammed." "Let me kill him, O Apostle of Allah !(Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam)"said Umar ibn al Khattab (r.a.), but the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Gently, Umar. Do you not realize that he is among those granted respite until the Appointed Day? Instead, open the door for him, for he is under command. Understand what he says and listen to what he has to tell you."
Abd-Allah son of `Abbas (r.a.) continued: "So the door was opened for him and he entered to join them. He was an old man, blind in one eye and with only very thin hair growing on his face. His beard consisted of seven hairs like those of the horse, and his eyes were set vertically. His head was like that of a great elephant, his eye-teeth protruded like the tusks of a boar, and his lips were like those of a bull."
"Peace be upon you, Muhammad." He said, "and peace be upon you, O gathering of Muslims." "Peace is of Allah (SWT), Cursed One," said the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). "I have heard. What is your desire?" "Muhammad," he said to him, "I did not come to you of my own accord, but rather because I was forced to do so." "And what is that, that forced you, Cursed One?" asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). Satan replied, "An angel came to me from the Exalted Lord and told me, 'Allah Most High orders you to come to Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). Be humble, abject and unpretentious; tell him how you deceive and mislead the sons of Adam (Alayhis Salaam), and answer truthfully any question he asks you. By my might and glory, if you tell him a single lie or fail to be truthful with him, I will turn you into ashes for the winds to blow away, and your enemies will gloat at your misfortune.'
So I have come to you as I was ordered, Muhammad. Ask me anything you want, for if I do not respond truthfully to what you ask me my enemies will gloat at my misfortune, and nothing is there more unbearable than the gloating of one's enemies."
"If you be sincere," said the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), "then tell me - who among men do you most hate?" "You Muhammad," replied Satan, "and those like you are to me the most hated of Allah's (SWT) Creatures." "What else do you hate?" the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked. "The devoted youth who dedicates his soul to Allah Almighty." "And then who?" "A pious learned man I know to be patient." "And then who?" "He who remains pure through three prayers." "And then who?" "A patient pauper, if he speaks of his poverty to no one and does not complain of his plight." "And how do you know him to be patient?" "Muhammad, if he complained of his plight to another, created as he is, for three consecutive days, Allah Ta'alaa would not record for him the merit allotted to the patient." "And then who?" "The rich man who is thankful." "And how do you know him to be thankful?" asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). "When I see him take the right thing and put it in the right place."
"Then the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked, "What happens to you when my people rise for prayer?" "Muhammad," he replied, "I am afflicted by fever and trembling." "Why Cursed One?" "Because when the worshiper prostrates himself before Allah Ta'alaa, Allah Ta'alaa raises him a step." "And when they fast?" "I am fettered until they lapse." "And when they make the pilgrimage?" "I become insane." "And when they read the Qur`an?" "I melt, as lead melts over the fire." "And when they give alms?" "It is as if the almsgiver had taken a saw and cut me in two." "And why is that, Abu Murra(Father of bitter)?"(1) asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). "In almsgiving there are four benefits," he said; "and they are that Allah Almighty sends down blessing on all his possessions, endears him to His Creation, makes his offering a screen between him and the Fire, and through it defends him from infirmities and disasters."
[What do you say of Abu Bakr Siddiq? *was omitted *] "He did not submit to me in the days of ignorance, Muhammad, so how could he do so under Islam?" "And what say you of `Umar ibn al-Khattab?" "By Allah (SWT), I never encountered him without fleeing from him." "And what say you of `Uthman ibn Affan?" "I feel ashamed before one whom the angels of the Merciful feel ashamed." "And what say you of `Ali ibn Abi Talibi?" "Would Allah (SWT) that I were secure from him head for head; he would leave me alone and I would leave him alone. But that he has never done." "Praise be to Allah (SWT), who has made my community felicitous and you wretched until the Appointed Day," said the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam).
But Satan, the Cursed One, said to him, "Alas, how wrong you are! Where is the felicity of your community while I live and die not until the Appointed Day?" How can you be pleased with your community while I enter them through the bloodstream and flesh and they recognize me not? By He who created me and granted me respite until the day when they are called forth, I shall tempt them all, ignorant and learned, illiterate and literate, blasphemer and worshiper, except for the sincerely devoted worshipers of Allah (SWT)."
"And who, according to you, are the sincerely devoted ones?" "Do you not know, Muhammad, that he who cherishes the dirham and dinar is not sincerely devoted to Allah Almighty? When I see a man who loves neither dirham nor dinar, nor flattery nor praise, I know that he is sincerely devoted to Allah Almighty and so leave him alone. But as long as the worshiper cherishes wealth and flattery, and his heart is preoccupied with worldly desires, he will be more submissive than I could possibly describe to you. Do you not know that the love of wealth is one of the most heinous sins of all, Muhammad; and that the lust for power is one of the most heinous sins of all; and that pride is one of the most heinous sins of all? Do you not know, Muhammad, that I have 70,000 sons, each of whom has 70,000 devils? Among these are those I assign to the learned men, those I assign to young men, those I assign to old men, those I assign to old women - as for the young men, there is no disagreement between us and them; and as for the boys, the [devils] play with them as they choose - those I assign to worshipers, and those I assign to ascetics. They enter among them and drive them out from station to station and gate to gate until they beguile them by one means or another; they deprive them of sincerity, so they worship Allah Almighty insincerely and yet do not realize it."
"Do you not know, Muhammad, that the monk Barisa devoted seventy sincere years to Allah (SWT), to the point that he could cure by his invocation anyone who was ill; yet I did not abandon him until he had fornicated, murdered and apostatized. He is the one to whom Allah Almighty referred in His Glorious Book when He said: 'Like Satan, when he said to Man, "Disbelieve;" then, when he disbelieved, he said, "Surely I fear Allah (SWT), the Lord of the Worlds.'"(2)
"Do you not know, Muhammad, that lying is my doing, that I was the first to lie, and that whoever lies is my friend and whoever swears falsely in Allah's (SWT) name is my beloved? Do you not know, Muhammad, that in Allah's (SWT) name I swore to Adam and Hawwa (Eve) (Alayhis Salaam). 'For Allah's sake, surely I am one of your sincerest advisors.' The lying oath is the joy of my heart; slander and defamation are my fruits and my delight; and bearing false witness brings pleasure and satisfaction to my eye."
"He who swears divorce is on the brink of sin, even if he does so only once, or acts in good faith. The wife of him whose tongue has grown accustomed to divorce is forbidden to him; but they do not cease to beget children until the Resurrection Day, and all of those will be children of adultery and will enter the Fire for the sake of a word."
"Muhammad, in your community there are those who postpone the prayer an hour or so. Every time he wants to rise for prayer, I stand by him and whisper wicked suggestions to him and tell him, 'There is still time; you are busy,' until he puts off the prayer and performs it at other than its appointed time, for which it is flung back in his face. If he defeats me I send to him one of the devils of mankind to delay him beyond the time for prayer, and if he defeats me in that, I leave him alone until he is praying and then say to him, 'Look to the right and left.' So he looks, and as he does so I stroke his face with my hand, kiss him between the eyes and tell him, 'Surely you have done what can never be forgiven.' And you yourself know, Muhammad, that Allah (SWT) flings back in his face the prayer of one who keeps looking around as he performs it."
"If he defeats me in the prayer and is praying alone, I tell him to hurry; he pecks at the prayer like a rooster pecks at seeds, and rushes through it. If he defeats me and is praying in a group, I hold him back with a bridle, raise his head before the Imam and lower it before the Imam. And you yourself know, Muhammad, that the prayer of one who does that counts for nothing, and on the Resurrection Day Allah (SWT) will turn his head into that of an ass."
"And if he defeats me in that, I tell him to crack his knuckles during the prayer, so that he becomes one of my worshipers as he prays. And if he defeats me in that I blow into his nose until he yawns while he prays, and if he does not put his hand over his mouth the devil enters his stomach, making him increasingly greedy for and fond of things of the world, and attentive and submissive to me."
"And is there any felicity for your community while I order the poor to stop praying, telling him, 'Prayer is not your obligation, but rather the obligation of him to whom Allah (SWT) has shown favor,' and telling the sick, 'Stop praying; it is not your obligation, but rather the obligation of him whom Allah (SWT) has favored with good health, for Allah Almighty has said: "There is no fault in the sick."(3) When you recover you will pray as you should,' so that he dies as an apostate. And when he dies having abandoned prayer in his illness, he meets Allah Almighty and Allah (SWT) is displeased with him."
"If I have lied or digressed, Muhammad, ask Allah (SWT) to turn me into ashes. Can you rejoice in your community, Muhammad, when I have diverted a sixth of it from the path of Islam?"
"Cursed One," asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), who is your table companion?" "The usurer." "And who is your friend?" "The fornicator." "And your bedfellow?" "The drunkard." "Who is your guest?" "The thief." "And who is your envoy?" "The sorcerer." "What is refreshing to your eye?" "He who swears divorce." "And who is your beloved?" "The one who abandons the Friday prayer."
"Cursed One," said the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), "What breaks your back?" "The whinnying of the horses in the cause of Allah (SWT)." "And what wastes away your body?" "The repentance of the contrite." "And what inflames your liver?" "Frequent seeking of Allah's (SWT) forgiveness by night and day." "What embarrasses you?" "Giving alms in secret." "What blurs your vision?" "The dawn prayer." "What bridles your head?" "Frequent prayer in a group." "And who, according to you, is the happiest of men?" "He who deliberately abandons prayer." "And which men, according to you, are the most wretched?" "The thrifty." "What distracts you from your work?" "The councils of the learned." "And how do you eat?" "With the fingers of my left hand."
"Where do you go to shelter your sons in times of fiery winds and sandstorms?" "Under the fingernails of men." Then the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam asked, "How many needs have you asked your Lord to grant you?" "Ten things." "And what are they, Cursed One?"
"I asked Him to let me share in the wealth and children of the sons of Adam (Alayhis Salaam), so He made me their associate when He said: 'And share with them in their wealth and their children, and promise them. But Satan promises them naught, except delusion.'(5) I feed on any ill-gotten fortune, and also on any source of sustenance associated with usury or other forbidden practices, on any wealth from which he does not seek protection from Satan the Cursed, and on anyone who does not seek protection during intercourse. When he enters his wife the devil enters with her, and the child is born attentive and submissive to me. And whoever rides the beast of burden in search of anything not permissive has me for a comrade, as in the Word of the Almighty: 'And rally against them thy horsemen and thy foot.'"(6)
"I asked Him to make for me a home, and it was the bathhouse. I asked Him to make for me a mosque, and it was the bazaars. I asked Him to make for me a call to prayer, and it was the sound of flutes. I asked Him to make for me a bedfellow, and he was the drunkard. I asked Him to make for me some servants, and they are the abilitarians. I asked Him to make for me some companions, and He said: 'Those whose fortunes are squandered in sin.' And then recited His verse: 'The squanderers are brothers of Satan.'"(7) "Were you not offering me verification in verses of the Book of Allah Almighty for every word," said the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, "I would not believe you."
"Muhammad, he said, "I asked Allah Almighty that I may see the sons of Adam (Alayhis Salaam) while they see me not, so He caused me to flow in their veins like blood and granted my soul the freedom to roam as I wish. If I want something within the hour, Allah Almighty says, 'You shall have what you seek,' and of that I can boast until Resurrection day. Those with me are more numerous than those with you, and most of the progeny of Adam (Alayhis Salaam) are with me until the Resurrection day."
"I have a son whom I call 'Atama; he urinates in the ear of the worshiper if he sleeps through the evening prayer, and were it not for that people would not fall asleep until they had performed the prayer. I have a son whom I call Mutaqadi; when a believer privately performs a pious deed and wants to keep it secret, he never stops trying to drag it out of him in front of others until he tells people about it. Allah Almighty thus cancels ninety-nine of the hundred merits and there remains for him only one, since for every good deed done in secret he gains one hundred merits.
And I have a son whom I call Kahil; it is he who lines the eyes of the people with kohl in the councils of the learned and during the orator's address, until they fall asleep while listening to the words of the scholars. Thus Allah (SWT) never records merits for them. No woman goes out without a devil sitting at her backside and another at her privates; they make her attractive to those who see her and tell her, 'Stretch forth your hand.' When she does so, her fingertips are exposed and she is disgraced."
Then he said, "Muhammad, I have nothing to do with misguidance; rather I am a whisperer of wicked suggestions and a tempter. If misguidance was within my grasp, I would leave no one on the face of the earth saying 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah,' or fasting or praying. Similarly, you have nothing to do with guidance, but are an apostle and a messenger. If guidance was within your grip, you would leave no unbeliever on the face of the earth. You are Allah's (SWT) proof among His creation, and I am the reason given to one whose misery is foreordained. The happy man is the one whom Allah (SWT) made so in his mother's womb, and the miserable man is the one whom Allah (SWT) made so in his mother's womb."
Then the Apostle of Allah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam recited the Word of the Almighty: 'But they continue in their differences, excepting those on whom thy Lord has mercy;'(8) and then: 'And Allah's (SWT) command is doom decreed."(9) With that the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, "Abu Murra, turn from sin and return to Allah Almighty, and I will be your guarantee of Paradise." "Muhammad," he replied, "it has been decided, and the pen is dry from recording how things will be until the Resurrection Day. So praised be He who made you the master of the prophets and the preacher to the people of Paradise, singled you out and loved you, and made me the master of the damned and preacher to the people of the Fire, cursed me and banished me. This is all I have to say to you, and indeed, I have done so in good faith."
Praise be to Allah (SWT), Lord of the Worlds, first and last, visible and invisible; and may the blessing of Allah (SWT) be upon our master Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and on his family and all his companions, and His peace be upon the Muslims. Praise be to Allah (SWT),
Lord of the Worlds. Ameen.
[Notes]: 1. Abu Murra, 'father of Murra (bitter)', was one of Satan's surnames, in this case deriving from his athering of a girl with this name. 2. According to the traditional account, Barisa was entrusted with custody of the ill sister of three brothers who were leaving the country for a time. Tempted by Satan, Barisa seduces her, and then kills her upon discovering that she was with child. The brothers return, and Barisa tells them the girl died a natural death. Satan, however, reveals the truth to them, and then goes to the terrified monk and offers to save him if he will denounce Allah (SWT) and swear loyalty to Satan. Barisa complies, whereupon Satan mocks him with these words from Surat al-Hashr (56:16). The story and its literary development are discussed in useful articles in both editions of the Encyclopaedia of Islam, q.v. Barisa. 3. Surat an-Nur (24:61) 4. [skipped number] 5. Surat al-Isra' (17:64) 6. Surat al-Isra' (17:64) 7. Surat al-Isra' (17:27) 8. Surat Hud (11:118,119) 9. Surat al-Ahzab (33:38) *****
There is great wisdom in acting for God's sake and refusing to act for any other reason. Once Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet, was fighting on the battlefield with one of the most powerful champions of the enemy. He finally managed to strike the warrior's sword from his hand. As he raised his sword to take the enemy's life, the man spat in Ali's face. Ali sopped and sheathed his sword. The warrior said, "I don't understand. You were about to kill me, and yet after I spit at you, you spare my life. Why?" Ali replied, "I was going to take your life in battling for God's sake, but when you spat at me, it angered me. Had I killed you then, I would have been a murderer, or I would have struck in anger. I will fight for God, but I will not murder for my ego." [Essential Sufism, Sheikh Muzaffer, p.198] Adam was still a child, so God brought him into the path of caresses. The path of children is one thing, the furnace of heroes something else. Adam was taken into Paradise on the shoulders of the great angels of God's kingdom. Paradise was made the cradle for his greatness and the pillow for his leadership, because he still did not have the endurance for the court of severity...Tomorrow. Adam will go into Paradise with his children. A cry will rise up from all the particles of Paradise because of the crow ding. The angels of the world of the dominion will look with wonder and say, "is this that same man who moved out of Paradise a few days ago in poverty and indigence?" Suffer a bit of trouble, then in a few days, take the treasure!
Taken from Islamic stories of Shaytan
Originally from Kitabul Awaa'il. The hadeeth is from At-Tabrani.
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds; and blessing and peace be upon our master Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), the righteous Prophet, upon his family, the pure ones, and upon his companions.
As reported by Mu'adh ibn Jabal (r.a.). Abd-Allah the son of `Abbas (r.a.) said: "We were sitting together in a group with the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) in the house of one of the Ansar, when someone called out 'O people of the house! Will you permit me to enter? I have a task to fulfill for you'. "
"Do you know who the caller is?" asked the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam)."Allah and His Apostle knows best." They said. So the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) told them: "This is Satan, the Cursed One whom Allah has dammed." "Let me kill him, O Apostle of Allah !(Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam)"said Umar ibn al Khattab (r.a.), but the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Gently, Umar. Do you not realize that he is among those granted respite until the Appointed Day? Instead, open the door for him, for he is under command. Understand what he says and listen to what he has to tell you."
Abd-Allah son of `Abbas (r.a.) continued: "So the door was opened for him and he entered to join them. He was an old man, blind in one eye and with only very thin hair growing on his face. His beard consisted of seven hairs like those of the horse, and his eyes were set vertically. His head was like that of a great elephant, his eye-teeth protruded like the tusks of a boar, and his lips were like those of a bull."
"Peace be upon you, Muhammad." He said, "and peace be upon you, O gathering of Muslims." "Peace is of Allah (SWT), Cursed One," said the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). "I have heard. What is your desire?" "Muhammad," he said to him, "I did not come to you of my own accord, but rather because I was forced to do so." "And what is that, that forced you, Cursed One?" asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). Satan replied, "An angel came to me from the Exalted Lord and told me, 'Allah Most High orders you to come to Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). Be humble, abject and unpretentious; tell him how you deceive and mislead the sons of Adam (Alayhis Salaam), and answer truthfully any question he asks you. By my might and glory, if you tell him a single lie or fail to be truthful with him, I will turn you into ashes for the winds to blow away, and your enemies will gloat at your misfortune.'
So I have come to you as I was ordered, Muhammad. Ask me anything you want, for if I do not respond truthfully to what you ask me my enemies will gloat at my misfortune, and nothing is there more unbearable than the gloating of one's enemies."
"If you be sincere," said the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), "then tell me - who among men do you most hate?" "You Muhammad," replied Satan, "and those like you are to me the most hated of Allah's (SWT) Creatures." "What else do you hate?" the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked. "The devoted youth who dedicates his soul to Allah Almighty." "And then who?" "A pious learned man I know to be patient." "And then who?" "He who remains pure through three prayers." "And then who?" "A patient pauper, if he speaks of his poverty to no one and does not complain of his plight." "And how do you know him to be patient?" "Muhammad, if he complained of his plight to another, created as he is, for three consecutive days, Allah Ta'alaa would not record for him the merit allotted to the patient." "And then who?" "The rich man who is thankful." "And how do you know him to be thankful?" asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). "When I see him take the right thing and put it in the right place."
"Then the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked, "What happens to you when my people rise for prayer?" "Muhammad," he replied, "I am afflicted by fever and trembling." "Why Cursed One?" "Because when the worshiper prostrates himself before Allah Ta'alaa, Allah Ta'alaa raises him a step." "And when they fast?" "I am fettered until they lapse." "And when they make the pilgrimage?" "I become insane." "And when they read the Qur`an?" "I melt, as lead melts over the fire." "And when they give alms?" "It is as if the almsgiver had taken a saw and cut me in two." "And why is that, Abu Murra(Father of bitter)?"(1) asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). "In almsgiving there are four benefits," he said; "and they are that Allah Almighty sends down blessing on all his possessions, endears him to His Creation, makes his offering a screen between him and the Fire, and through it defends him from infirmities and disasters."
[What do you say of Abu Bakr Siddiq? *was omitted *] "He did not submit to me in the days of ignorance, Muhammad, so how could he do so under Islam?" "And what say you of `Umar ibn al-Khattab?" "By Allah (SWT), I never encountered him without fleeing from him." "And what say you of `Uthman ibn Affan?" "I feel ashamed before one whom the angels of the Merciful feel ashamed." "And what say you of `Ali ibn Abi Talibi?" "Would Allah (SWT) that I were secure from him head for head; he would leave me alone and I would leave him alone. But that he has never done." "Praise be to Allah (SWT), who has made my community felicitous and you wretched until the Appointed Day," said the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam).
But Satan, the Cursed One, said to him, "Alas, how wrong you are! Where is the felicity of your community while I live and die not until the Appointed Day?" How can you be pleased with your community while I enter them through the bloodstream and flesh and they recognize me not? By He who created me and granted me respite until the day when they are called forth, I shall tempt them all, ignorant and learned, illiterate and literate, blasphemer and worshiper, except for the sincerely devoted worshipers of Allah (SWT)."
"And who, according to you, are the sincerely devoted ones?" "Do you not know, Muhammad, that he who cherishes the dirham and dinar is not sincerely devoted to Allah Almighty? When I see a man who loves neither dirham nor dinar, nor flattery nor praise, I know that he is sincerely devoted to Allah Almighty and so leave him alone. But as long as the worshiper cherishes wealth and flattery, and his heart is preoccupied with worldly desires, he will be more submissive than I could possibly describe to you. Do you not know that the love of wealth is one of the most heinous sins of all, Muhammad; and that the lust for power is one of the most heinous sins of all; and that pride is one of the most heinous sins of all? Do you not know, Muhammad, that I have 70,000 sons, each of whom has 70,000 devils? Among these are those I assign to the learned men, those I assign to young men, those I assign to old men, those I assign to old women - as for the young men, there is no disagreement between us and them; and as for the boys, the [devils] play with them as they choose - those I assign to worshipers, and those I assign to ascetics. They enter among them and drive them out from station to station and gate to gate until they beguile them by one means or another; they deprive them of sincerity, so they worship Allah Almighty insincerely and yet do not realize it."
"Do you not know, Muhammad, that the monk Barisa devoted seventy sincere years to Allah (SWT), to the point that he could cure by his invocation anyone who was ill; yet I did not abandon him until he had fornicated, murdered and apostatized. He is the one to whom Allah Almighty referred in His Glorious Book when He said: 'Like Satan, when he said to Man, "Disbelieve;" then, when he disbelieved, he said, "Surely I fear Allah (SWT), the Lord of the Worlds.'"(2)
"Do you not know, Muhammad, that lying is my doing, that I was the first to lie, and that whoever lies is my friend and whoever swears falsely in Allah's (SWT) name is my beloved? Do you not know, Muhammad, that in Allah's (SWT) name I swore to Adam and Hawwa (Eve) (Alayhis Salaam). 'For Allah's sake, surely I am one of your sincerest advisors.' The lying oath is the joy of my heart; slander and defamation are my fruits and my delight; and bearing false witness brings pleasure and satisfaction to my eye."
"He who swears divorce is on the brink of sin, even if he does so only once, or acts in good faith. The wife of him whose tongue has grown accustomed to divorce is forbidden to him; but they do not cease to beget children until the Resurrection Day, and all of those will be children of adultery and will enter the Fire for the sake of a word."
"Muhammad, in your community there are those who postpone the prayer an hour or so. Every time he wants to rise for prayer, I stand by him and whisper wicked suggestions to him and tell him, 'There is still time; you are busy,' until he puts off the prayer and performs it at other than its appointed time, for which it is flung back in his face. If he defeats me I send to him one of the devils of mankind to delay him beyond the time for prayer, and if he defeats me in that, I leave him alone until he is praying and then say to him, 'Look to the right and left.' So he looks, and as he does so I stroke his face with my hand, kiss him between the eyes and tell him, 'Surely you have done what can never be forgiven.' And you yourself know, Muhammad, that Allah (SWT) flings back in his face the prayer of one who keeps looking around as he performs it."
"If he defeats me in the prayer and is praying alone, I tell him to hurry; he pecks at the prayer like a rooster pecks at seeds, and rushes through it. If he defeats me and is praying in a group, I hold him back with a bridle, raise his head before the Imam and lower it before the Imam. And you yourself know, Muhammad, that the prayer of one who does that counts for nothing, and on the Resurrection Day Allah (SWT) will turn his head into that of an ass."
"And if he defeats me in that, I tell him to crack his knuckles during the prayer, so that he becomes one of my worshipers as he prays. And if he defeats me in that I blow into his nose until he yawns while he prays, and if he does not put his hand over his mouth the devil enters his stomach, making him increasingly greedy for and fond of things of the world, and attentive and submissive to me."
"And is there any felicity for your community while I order the poor to stop praying, telling him, 'Prayer is not your obligation, but rather the obligation of him to whom Allah (SWT) has shown favor,' and telling the sick, 'Stop praying; it is not your obligation, but rather the obligation of him whom Allah (SWT) has favored with good health, for Allah Almighty has said: "There is no fault in the sick."(3) When you recover you will pray as you should,' so that he dies as an apostate. And when he dies having abandoned prayer in his illness, he meets Allah Almighty and Allah (SWT) is displeased with him."
"If I have lied or digressed, Muhammad, ask Allah (SWT) to turn me into ashes. Can you rejoice in your community, Muhammad, when I have diverted a sixth of it from the path of Islam?"
"Cursed One," asked the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), who is your table companion?" "The usurer." "And who is your friend?" "The fornicator." "And your bedfellow?" "The drunkard." "Who is your guest?" "The thief." "And who is your envoy?" "The sorcerer." "What is refreshing to your eye?" "He who swears divorce." "And who is your beloved?" "The one who abandons the Friday prayer."
"Cursed One," said the Apostle of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam), "What breaks your back?" "The whinnying of the horses in the cause of Allah (SWT)." "And what wastes away your body?" "The repentance of the contrite." "And what inflames your liver?" "Frequent seeking of Allah's (SWT) forgiveness by night and day." "What embarrasses you?" "Giving alms in secret." "What blurs your vision?" "The dawn prayer." "What bridles your head?" "Frequent prayer in a group." "And who, according to you, is the happiest of men?" "He who deliberately abandons prayer." "And which men, according to you, are the most wretched?" "The thrifty." "What distracts you from your work?" "The councils of the learned." "And how do you eat?" "With the fingers of my left hand."
"Where do you go to shelter your sons in times of fiery winds and sandstorms?" "Under the fingernails of men." Then the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam asked, "How many needs have you asked your Lord to grant you?" "Ten things." "And what are they, Cursed One?"
"I asked Him to let me share in the wealth and children of the sons of Adam (Alayhis Salaam), so He made me their associate when He said: 'And share with them in their wealth and their children, and promise them. But Satan promises them naught, except delusion.'(5) I feed on any ill-gotten fortune, and also on any source of sustenance associated with usury or other forbidden practices, on any wealth from which he does not seek protection from Satan the Cursed, and on anyone who does not seek protection during intercourse. When he enters his wife the devil enters with her, and the child is born attentive and submissive to me. And whoever rides the beast of burden in search of anything not permissive has me for a comrade, as in the Word of the Almighty: 'And rally against them thy horsemen and thy foot.'"(6)
"I asked Him to make for me a home, and it was the bathhouse. I asked Him to make for me a mosque, and it was the bazaars. I asked Him to make for me a call to prayer, and it was the sound of flutes. I asked Him to make for me a bedfellow, and he was the drunkard. I asked Him to make for me some servants, and they are the abilitarians. I asked Him to make for me some companions, and He said: 'Those whose fortunes are squandered in sin.' And then recited His verse: 'The squanderers are brothers of Satan.'"(7) "Were you not offering me verification in verses of the Book of Allah Almighty for every word," said the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, "I would not believe you."
"Muhammad, he said, "I asked Allah Almighty that I may see the sons of Adam (Alayhis Salaam) while they see me not, so He caused me to flow in their veins like blood and granted my soul the freedom to roam as I wish. If I want something within the hour, Allah Almighty says, 'You shall have what you seek,' and of that I can boast until Resurrection day. Those with me are more numerous than those with you, and most of the progeny of Adam (Alayhis Salaam) are with me until the Resurrection day."
"I have a son whom I call 'Atama; he urinates in the ear of the worshiper if he sleeps through the evening prayer, and were it not for that people would not fall asleep until they had performed the prayer. I have a son whom I call Mutaqadi; when a believer privately performs a pious deed and wants to keep it secret, he never stops trying to drag it out of him in front of others until he tells people about it. Allah Almighty thus cancels ninety-nine of the hundred merits and there remains for him only one, since for every good deed done in secret he gains one hundred merits.
And I have a son whom I call Kahil; it is he who lines the eyes of the people with kohl in the councils of the learned and during the orator's address, until they fall asleep while listening to the words of the scholars. Thus Allah (SWT) never records merits for them. No woman goes out without a devil sitting at her backside and another at her privates; they make her attractive to those who see her and tell her, 'Stretch forth your hand.' When she does so, her fingertips are exposed and she is disgraced."
Then he said, "Muhammad, I have nothing to do with misguidance; rather I am a whisperer of wicked suggestions and a tempter. If misguidance was within my grasp, I would leave no one on the face of the earth saying 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah,' or fasting or praying. Similarly, you have nothing to do with guidance, but are an apostle and a messenger. If guidance was within your grip, you would leave no unbeliever on the face of the earth. You are Allah's (SWT) proof among His creation, and I am the reason given to one whose misery is foreordained. The happy man is the one whom Allah (SWT) made so in his mother's womb, and the miserable man is the one whom Allah (SWT) made so in his mother's womb."
Then the Apostle of Allah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam recited the Word of the Almighty: 'But they continue in their differences, excepting those on whom thy Lord has mercy;'(8) and then: 'And Allah's (SWT) command is doom decreed."(9) With that the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, "Abu Murra, turn from sin and return to Allah Almighty, and I will be your guarantee of Paradise." "Muhammad," he replied, "it has been decided, and the pen is dry from recording how things will be until the Resurrection Day. So praised be He who made you the master of the prophets and the preacher to the people of Paradise, singled you out and loved you, and made me the master of the damned and preacher to the people of the Fire, cursed me and banished me. This is all I have to say to you, and indeed, I have done so in good faith."
Praise be to Allah (SWT), Lord of the Worlds, first and last, visible and invisible; and may the blessing of Allah (SWT) be upon our master Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and on his family and all his companions, and His peace be upon the Muslims. Praise be to Allah (SWT),
Lord of the Worlds. Ameen.
[Notes]: 1. Abu Murra, 'father of Murra (bitter)', was one of Satan's surnames, in this case deriving from his athering of a girl with this name. 2. According to the traditional account, Barisa was entrusted with custody of the ill sister of three brothers who were leaving the country for a time. Tempted by Satan, Barisa seduces her, and then kills her upon discovering that she was with child. The brothers return, and Barisa tells them the girl died a natural death. Satan, however, reveals the truth to them, and then goes to the terrified monk and offers to save him if he will denounce Allah (SWT) and swear loyalty to Satan. Barisa complies, whereupon Satan mocks him with these words from Surat al-Hashr (56:16). The story and its literary development are discussed in useful articles in both editions of the Encyclopaedia of Islam, q.v. Barisa. 3. Surat an-Nur (24:61) 4. [skipped number] 5. Surat al-Isra' (17:64) 6. Surat al-Isra' (17:64) 7. Surat al-Isra' (17:27) 8. Surat Hud (11:118,119) 9. Surat al-Ahzab (33:38) *****
There is great wisdom in acting for God's sake and refusing to act for any other reason. Once Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet, was fighting on the battlefield with one of the most powerful champions of the enemy. He finally managed to strike the warrior's sword from his hand. As he raised his sword to take the enemy's life, the man spat in Ali's face. Ali sopped and sheathed his sword. The warrior said, "I don't understand. You were about to kill me, and yet after I spit at you, you spare my life. Why?" Ali replied, "I was going to take your life in battling for God's sake, but when you spat at me, it angered me. Had I killed you then, I would have been a murderer, or I would have struck in anger. I will fight for God, but I will not murder for my ego." [Essential Sufism, Sheikh Muzaffer, p.198] Adam was still a child, so God brought him into the path of caresses. The path of children is one thing, the furnace of heroes something else. Adam was taken into Paradise on the shoulders of the great angels of God's kingdom. Paradise was made the cradle for his greatness and the pillow for his leadership, because he still did not have the endurance for the court of severity...Tomorrow. Adam will go into Paradise with his children. A cry will rise up from all the particles of Paradise because of the crow ding. The angels of the world of the dominion will look with wonder and say, "is this that same man who moved out of Paradise a few days ago in poverty and indigence?" Suffer a bit of trouble, then in a few days, take the treasure!
Taken from Islamic stories of Shaytan
Originally from Kitabul Awaa'il. The hadeeth is from At-Tabrani.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Sitting in the Hearts of Allah Walai
Haji Imdadullah Makki rahmatullahi alayh used to say that the Mercy and Love of Allah Ta'ala descends on that person who gains a place of love in the heart of a shaykh.
The reason is that the Mercy and Love of Allah Ta’ala continuously descends on the heart of the shaykh, so when someone else’s love permeates the heart of the shaykh then he too becomes the recipient of Allah’s Mercy and Love.”
The reason is that the Mercy and Love of Allah Ta’ala continuously descends on the heart of the shaykh, so when someone else’s love permeates the heart of the shaykh then he too becomes the recipient of Allah’s Mercy and Love.”
Friday, 12 June 2009
Crossword 2: Islam
Crossword 2: Islam
Assalamu Alaykum,
I have made a crossword for you to do in your free time! Here is the second of our puzzle games. It is very easy and you can also benefit by learning new things perhaps. Answers are at the bottom, no peeping!
Note: Do not use a marker on your computer screen!!

1.Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam was hurt with stones here
3.If there was a prophet after me, it would be...
5.Birth place of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
7.every soul will taste...
12.He was second to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam in thaur
13.The most beloved person to be is (from women)
14.He was married to Fatima radiallahu anha
2.The only religion which is acceptable in the eyes of Allah is
3.This is a mountain that loves the Muslims and the Muslims love it
4.The resting place of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
6.The first battle the Muslims participated in
8.I testify there is no god but...
9.He is the sword of Allah...
10.Now, lets all go and read the
11. He married the daughters of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
Assalamu Alaykum,
I have made a crossword for you to do in your free time! Here is the second of our puzzle games. It is very easy and you can also benefit by learning new things perhaps. Answers are at the bottom, no peeping!
Note: Do not use a marker on your computer screen!!

1.Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam was hurt with stones here
3.If there was a prophet after me, it would be...
5.Birth place of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
7.every soul will taste...
12.He was second to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam in thaur
13.The most beloved person to be is (from women)
14.He was married to Fatima radiallahu anha
2.The only religion which is acceptable in the eyes of Allah is
3.This is a mountain that loves the Muslims and the Muslims love it
4.The resting place of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam
6.The first battle the Muslims participated in
8.I testify there is no god but...
9.He is the sword of Allah...
10.Now, lets all go and read the
11. He married the daughters of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam

Zann lexically means 'to suspect, to accuse (of), assumption, suspicion'. This is something we see so rife on a daily basis. Our hearts have become so darkened and hateful that everybody is fixed upon making nasty assumptions about others.
The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam has spoken at length about this and there are many chapters in the books of ahadith that speak of zann. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam said,
The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam has spoken at length about this and there are many chapters in the books of ahadith that speak of zann. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam said,
“Keep yourself away from suspicion for it is the worst of false things. Do not pry into the affairs of other people. Do not compete with one another (to gain worldly possessions and hurt one another in the process). Do not turn your backs to fellow men. Do not be jealous of other people and do not despise anyone. But, live as salves of Allah, one brother to another brother.”
These words of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam must be taken into deep consideration. Many people are fixated with keeping the worst views about everybody else. There are many people in society who love to take a ‘pop’ at others and try to knock the self esteem out of them. These people are fools of the highest order. Some people are such that they cannot take another person surpassing them in affairs of religion and thus vilify them in order to taint the reputation of a person. Some people have these type of characteristics and it is something very worrying to keep in ones heart. It can destroy people’s lives and the life of the one who bears it in his heart.
Sayyidna Abdullah radiallahu anhu used to say,
“When theft is committed of a person’s possession, he goes on assuming and presuming (so much) that he surpasses the thief himself”
Meaning, he begins to think about all the possible thieves and in doing so, he applies his suspicion to people who are not even in the wrong! Instead of being intent on one thief, he creates many possible thieves and wrongdoers. Accordingly, his sins exceed the sin of the real thief due to his suspicion about which the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam clearly said, “Avoid suspicion.”
It is a very dirty and filthy characteristic to possess. We should regularly check our hearts and keep them free for this. How can we check our hearts? The next time we are in a situation that perhaps warrants our thoughts of a person, we should immediately turn away from all negativity and entertain positive thoughts. Rumours spread by bad people, saying bad things. Avoid yourself from being like this, even if is done to you. Hazrat Aishah radiallahu anha said,
“The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam was not rude, nor did he pretend to be rude. Nor did he shout in the market places. He did not repay evil with evil, rather, he forgave and overlooked.”
These are the characteristics that we must place into our life. Always think the best of people, no matter what they have allegedly done. Even if people around you are maintaining such views, you do not need to keep them too. Rather, you can be the person that thinks the best about people and in return, Allah Ta’ala will think best of you. Unfortunately, there are many dim-witted fools who like to force their nasty opinions down the throats of others. We must all look to the good in people.
Allah Ta’ala give us all the ability to act on what has been said. Ameen
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Poetry: The Highest Example
The Highest Example
Truly the Faqih is a Faqih because of his actions
Not because of his articulated speech or saying
And likewise a leader is a leader because of his nature
Not because of his nation or his men
And likewise a rich man is a rich man due to his state
And not due to his possessions or wealth
Poetry of Imam Shafi' rahimahullah
Friday, 5 June 2009
The Caterpillar And The Grapes
In a speech, Maulana Hakeem Akhtar, who is a Shaykh belonging to Maulana Thanvi's chain, describes a story in the mathnawi of Maulana Rumi.
He tells us about a caterpillar who is told by the other caterpillars about the delicious fruit of the grape vine. He sets off to find these grapes and climbs onto the vine and on the way he sees lush green leaves. Seeing their dazzle, he starts thinking that these are the fabled grapes and settles on one to eat. Beguiled, he decides these are the grapes and sits there all his life, munching away on the leaf believing it to be his aim.
The observers, however, know what a fool he had been in getting attracted by the green colour of the inferior leaf and forgetting about the real prize - the delicious grapes.One look at our own lives reveals us to be like that caterpillar, getting caught up in the glitter of this world, and totally forgetting to journey on towards the fruit of Allah's pleasure.
Taken from Beneath the shade
He tells us about a caterpillar who is told by the other caterpillars about the delicious fruit of the grape vine. He sets off to find these grapes and climbs onto the vine and on the way he sees lush green leaves. Seeing their dazzle, he starts thinking that these are the fabled grapes and settles on one to eat. Beguiled, he decides these are the grapes and sits there all his life, munching away on the leaf believing it to be his aim.
The observers, however, know what a fool he had been in getting attracted by the green colour of the inferior leaf and forgetting about the real prize - the delicious grapes.One look at our own lives reveals us to be like that caterpillar, getting caught up in the glitter of this world, and totally forgetting to journey on towards the fruit of Allah's pleasure.
Taken from Beneath the shade
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